What type of person are you?

The late Dr. Steven Covey was instrumental in explaining what he called the 90/10 principle.  Covey explained that you have no control of 10% of everything that happens to you in your life.  Covey explains that 90% of your life is determined by how you react to the 10% you cannot control.  This seems logical and easy to explain.  I challenge you to try and reflect sometime how you react to the 10% that is happening in your life.  You might be amazed at how calm or lack thereof you are in certain circumstances.

Over the course of my life I have heard about people asking others if their glass is half full or half empty.  My question is, “shouldn’t we all be thankful we have a glass?”  Further, I have read other books about personalities and if you are a person who gives energy to people or if you are a person who takes energy from other people.  Hence the terms “Energy Giver and Energy Taker.”

More recently, I had the opportunity and honor to listen to Kevin Kush of Boys Town speak with our faculty.  Mr. Kush spoke to our teachers and staff about their importance in being a piece of the puzzle in the lives of our students.  Mr. Kush wrote a book called, A Piece of the Puzzle:  Eight Traits of a Quality Teammate.  In the book Mr. Kush hit on many points that parents, teachers and children can all learn from.  Mr. Kush spoke about eight points and many subpoints.  They are as follows:

  1. Believe in the Team Concept
    1. Nothing was Ever Accomplished Alone
    2. There is Power in Numbers
    3. Have a Firefighter Efficiency to Doing Things
  1. Exhibit Selfless Behavior
    1. Do the Grunt Work
    2. It’s Not About You
    3. Don’t Worry Who Gets Credit
  1. Respect Everyone
    1. Everyone Affects Team Morale
    2. You Fight Harder for a Friend
    3. Develop Unity
  1. Handle Adversity
    1. What an Opportunity!
    2. Control What You Can Control
    3. Get Back to Basics
  1. Adapt to Change
    1. Leaders Must Manage Change
    2. Team Members Must Embrace Change
  1. Accept Feedback
    1. Feedback Is Your Friend
    2. Say “Okay” and Implement Feedback
    3. Have Rhino Skin
  1. Demonstrate High Efficiency
    1. Have Labrador Enthusiasm
    2. Avoid Moodiness
    3. Fake It
  1. Be Accountable
    1. Do Your Job
    2. Don’t Make Excuses
    3. Don’t Blame Others

Many times in life one is at a crossroads either in their job or personal life.  Students can be at a crossroads in regards to school, sports and relationships with others.  It is difficult sometimes to reflect on our reactions to circumstances surrounding our lives.  After listening to Mr. Kush I reflected about this past school year and evaluated how I could become a better father, husband and leader.  Sometimes it is difficult to know that our reactions have a ripple effect to those around us.  Mr. Kush said it best when he said,  “never underestimate the impact you have on others.”